Today, November 30, 2021, is the national day of giving in the United States.
Across the country #GivingTuesday is the hashtag folks are using to get the word out that, whatever you choose to donate to, today’s the day.
The School of Biological Sciences (SBS) is no exception.
SBS and the College of Science launched the Science Research Initiative (SRI) in 2020. We designed the program so freshmen and transfer students can participate in faculty-driven research early in their academic careers. The program is a tremendous opportunity for students to develop high-demand skills, and demand is skyrocketing. Unfortunately, financial concerns keep some students from enrolling in the program. Our goal is to remove this barrier to SRI participation by supporting every student who needs a scholarship.
We invite you to help biology students be part of the SRI. We want all students to be able to take advantage of the program this year and in the future. Please consider making a gift today.
The College of Science will match all donations up to $50,000.

Our hope is that we will have 100% participation from faculty and staff. We aren’t looking for a particular amount (either from individual donations or the total at end-of-day). What we’re looking for is as many unique donors from SBS and the public as possible. Students also, of course, can participate. Imagine what we could do if everyone just gave a few dollars today to help support this worthy student success program.
Missed #GivingTuesday? No worries. This is just the launch of SBS’s year-end campaign through Dec. 31st. And to show our appreciation, if you’re on campus, stop in for a complimentary pocket band-aid container with the logo of the School of Biological Sciences! You can pick up yours at the main office, Biol 201.
Don’t forget that your gift will be doubled by the College of Science (up to $50,000) So donate today, and please share the link with your friends and family today and throughout the rest of the year.
Leslie Sieburth & Neil Vickers
Professors, Co-Directors